Thursday, March 15, 2012

Seven of Ten: First Blood

I accidentally enrolled in the Cop Academy twice, and now I'mTWO COPS. I mean, here's the next movie.

There is one topic, and one topic alone, that turns this lady Jekyll into a blood-thirsty, kill-all Super-Hitler. I get more angry talking about this, just THINKING about this, than I do talking to pro-life Evangelicals. The topic? Police corruption and brutality. 
    I only saw Rambo maybe a month ago, but this movie, needless to say, really hit it home for me. I'm really trying hard not to type up a far-too long rant about how I believe that some of the worst organized crime in all of America are our gun wielding pigs in blue. Seriously, I have spent hours on this review, deleting paragraph after paragraph because I get a..bit worked up.

Now, taking these types of people and sicking them on a war Vet? But not just any war vet, but a scared, tortured, killing machine? Certainly pleased me tenfold.
     Aside the plot, what makes Rambo so friggen cool? Lots of action, and not a lot of explosions for one. I don't exactly care for watching things blow up, and I certainly think that guns should only be used against zombies. Well, not just zombies, but if you're going to shoot someone, blow their entire head off, will you? Bulletholes are for pussies. So, when those uniformed twats are blundering through the forest, pretty much begging for someone to stab them and break their legs, Rambo creeps like shadow and sets traps everywhere? Hell to the YES my friend. They deserved it. 
      The entire movie leads up to pretty much Rambo's only lines. At the end, with Rambo surrounded and no hope of getting out alive, he breaks down and cries in front of Colonel Trautman and gives a very sad, and much needed speech about the horrors of the war. You don't have to hear the guns or see the death, you just to see this one man completely stripped of his humanity.


  1. I can't get behind your anti-cop rantings, but otherwise I really enjoyed your review. Like, really-really.

    Bulletholes are for pussies?

    If I ever start a band...

  2. No, that's ok. And I understand that obviously not every cop is crooked, but the ones that are I get upset about. I mean, there are a ton of companies that of course get away with damaging our people (e.g. fast food companies and tobacco companies), but who can get away with shooting someone in the head? Murdering the handicapped right in the streets, ON FILM? Fucking cops.
